Monday, November 5, 2012

An Observation from a American Christian Revolutionary

The elections will be going on tomorrow and with this election, I have been surprisingly at ease concerning the candidates for election.  For one, I have a greater understanding of what it means to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God.  Another thing is that I have a full time job, and am content with my purpose in life...working towards the goal of furthering the Kingdom of God.  But I would be foolish to ignore what is going on socially as far as the political scene goes.

So I've made my intentions known that I don't support either candidate for election with regards to the two party system.  In fact, I think voting for a president at the federal level is a joke.  Both candidates are bought and paid for by corporations who do nothing but prey on working class Americans or others in the world.  But alas, that is the black horse of the Apocalypse...the rule of the people by economy.  So, from that perspective, it is nothing that I have the power to change.  So why even vote when there's no power to change?

America is at the point where a full blown Revolution is required to actually change things for the better.  Now, I'm not saying the state of the nation isn't influenced by the president who wins...I actually know that the opposite is true.  Because which president wins directly reflects the stance that America takes...whether Iron or Clay.

See, Iron and Clay don't mix.  But clay can be shaped easily and baked into any amount of things for the good of society.  Iron can be shaped and forged into a weapon...however, Iron rusts,  Clay does not.  Basically America can choose rule by war or rule by economy...and there is a side that desperately wants rule by war.   Why?  Because they are the ones who know they will benefit from it.   They are the ones who know that if successful, they will at least believe, they have the power to enslave the others who don't think along the same lines.  And although Iron is effective in war, it rusts in peaceful times. 

And this is where extreme prejudice comes to play.  I noticed that the side for Iron has an extreme prejudice against those they consider enemies.  Especially those who would be represented by the beatitudes:  The peace makers, the meek, the poor, the spiritually hungry, the mournful, and the merciful...and the pure.  And then there's the persecuted who they have no concern of.
There is also a religious tenacity from Iron.  It is extreme one way or another and easily sharpened.  Just as the atoms of Iron are sharpened by Iron constantly brushing it in a particular direction, so are the people of Iron.  They are easily swayed by the press that reports in the direction that it desires to take.  They are easily influenced by those who tell them what they desire to hear...whether it be the evils of their enemy or the promised fortune of their victory.  They are committed and are fierce in their dealings...whether honest, or dishonest...whether informed or ignorant.  Iron makes a good soldier, whether it be for good or for evil.  Yet this is why the party of Iron desires to recruit its own kind.  Any moisture from clay, water, or blood...that would rust it and make it not as effective.

So the party of Iron holds to what it stands for, whether right or wrong.  I notice those that even believe in Christ...or claim to, will support blatant wrong doing and corruption for the sake of the party.  Even those who call themselves Evangelical Christians will even vote against their own interests if it means they can win.  They will even sacrifice their witness.  See, only when Iron is forged in fire does it become steel, and fit for a true sword.  Only when maintained and seasoned will it be protected from rust.  These people are rusty swords not fit for any true battles of the Kingdom.   Their focus is on the battles of this world which has corrupted them. They claim to be strong, and righteous, and just, yet ignore their own corruption that goes deep within.  They have missed the point.  They have perverted their purpose and lost their pure convictions.  They have rusted and become useless for junkyards.

Now, clay, on the other had, is admittedly filthy.  It is dirty and makes the hands unclean.  Yet it is easily molded to change shape to whatever suits it, easily washed, and forms many amazing things to hold stuff in.  When baked it becomes strong and hard, and can build homes, be painted to become beautiful works of art, and have everyday functions as plates, cups, jars, brick, and the like.   It is worthless for battle with the exception of holding oil...ultimately to be destroyed and lit on fire to burn its enemies or destroy structures.  When wielded it must be felt rather than stared at...for the hands will do the work on their own.  During molding, the eyes will distract and misshape it.
But Clay is easily smashed.  It is also very shifty and is a foolish thing to build a house upon without a foundation of strong Rock.  Yet the party of Clay has chosen to build its house on the clay of the earth which is unreliable.  It has shifted and moved and made the nation unstable.  It has committed itself towards filth which makes it even less reliable to use in the things it was created for.   It has allowed sewage to permeate it so that it reeks of immorality:  Sacrificing that which is sacred for that which brings disease.  It festers with worms who destroy the continuity of the Clay.  And worse, it has forsaken the oil for battle for wine for drinking parties, entertainment, and lustful and vain satisfactions that only hold for a short time.  It also has forsaken truth for its desires.

But I see that there is new clay being formed in the earth as well as new iron ore.  However, iron and clay do not mix...they must be used separately for their purposes if there is ever going to be strength in this nation  again.  And that is only if the nation can come together on common ground and chase the corruption out that has made it useless.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Hatred of Whoredom

So I've been dealing with an incredibly difficult situation that I've been handling seemingly all my life.  That's my inherit jealousy and hatred towards whoredom.

So, long story short, I met a girl from worked, and yeah, I liked her and found her attractive, but I knew she wasn't right for me since she isn't a believer in Jesus Christ, but I was still wanting to be friends anyways because she liked me and we got along ok.

Well, this girl ends up hooking up with this older guy who we both work with who just got divorced (probably because he wants to bang everyone at work) and so, she thinks its all good, he thinks its all good, and I'm in utter hatred and anger about it.

Here's what kills me about it....she did this even though she liked me but she thought, along with many people at work, that I was having an affair with a married girl who I admit, was totally my type and who I really got along with well.  I was definitely tempted to the point where I just had to tell God that I couldn't handle was way too strong for me but God was faithful and delivered me from an incredible mistake.  Knowing my workplace, I'm sure rumors that I was actually sleeping with this married girl from the other women employees who liked me but were trying to manipulate HER into doing something like this so that I wouldn't like her afterwords.  Well, it was ingenious because it worked.

She thought I would be open to whoredom and so tried to seduce me into pursuing a sexual relationship with her which, actually appalls me to my very soul.  So now, I've been trying to understand why I'm so angry with her when in reality I didn't even like her THAT much.  I was never spiritually attracted to her which is why I stayed away from pursing a relationship with her.  Yet I'm jealous to a strong degree and hurt and appalled all at the same time.

So, I prayed about it and asked God...why am I feeling this way...I don't even like her that much!  What I realized is that I actually love her.   Not in a wife-love type of way but in a friend type of way.  I really liked and cared for this person.  What hurt me is that when she thought she could whore out to me it basically insulted everything I've been waiting and working for which is my future wife...a suitable wife who I know the Lord will bring me someday when its time.  And me, being a vessel of God's wrath as was Jehu, soldiered up and completely stopped any kind of friendly communication with her.  She just became my enemy and now the whole relationship changed.

I already know that I'm a jealous person when it comes to women which is why I stay out of inappropriate relationships with them.  When it comes to competition with someone I would/could consider my wife, I wont do it because I'll literally kill the guy.  Even though I admit I'm a hypocrite here and didn't always follow what I believe in the past, I KNOW the reason why sex is a sacred bond between a man and his wife.  I KNOW what whoredom brings on people and that's at the very least, an incredible curse, or the will of Satan on a person's life.  At the very worst it brings upon the curse of God on a people and that is something I do not want to be part of.  I've seen it with my parents, I've seen it with friends, I've seen it from colleagues in college, I've seen it from people I've never met or cared to meet, I've seen it from coworkers.

Basically, she has a radioactive sign glowing on her now and it sucks because I really liked her and i wanted to be a positive influence in her life...not the other way around.   The guy I can care less about really....he deserves everything he's going to reap, but I hate to see her commit to a relationship so vile.  I hate that now when I see her all I can be is DEAD serious...and I have to be, because I know the fate of those who think sex is anything but the representation of the sacred love of God for his church.

Its really quite humbling and it truly makes me lonely.  But it is a loneliness I must suffer for the sake of the Kingdom and for the sake of my future wife...and I will take it to the grave.  It may be a difficult thing to suffer, but knowing what and hell is like, it is not even comparable to that kind of suffering and is well worth it Heaven's reward.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Its been a while...
since I've posted a blog.
And its been a while, since I've listened to "It's been a while."

Actually, I am listening to this song right now...definitely my favorite song from Staind which I really never had any interest in following, but I have to admit, that is an awesome song.

So, I'm on day 5 of my Shakeology diet.  I'm cutting out all fast food, eating fruit for breakfast, shakeology and a toast and cheese sandwich for lunch, and a healthy dinner...depending on what I make during the week.  Sunday will be my 'whatever' days...but I'm going to stay away from fast food if at all possible.  Also trying my best work out at least 3-5 times a week to lose this tire around my waist. So far, I've lost about a quarter inch.  Not too shabby but I really want this tire to get flat quick.

Last week I had so much overtime though, I didn't work out :(.  Consecutive 55 hour work weeks will take it out of you no matter what.   Regardless, I just need to get back on track.  I didn't realize how difficult it would be to lose 20 lbs.  Basically, I've gotten happy fat...maybe a little sloppy fat but not obese or super sloppy fat.  I'm already thick in the midsection as it is, but the tire needs to go away.

So, here I am taking a break between reps writing on my blog...jamming out to my Rhox playlist which is great for workouts.

By winter I should be able to get some cuttage going on unless I need to do a detox program which is very probable.

Also, I'm going to be switching to organic milk since I drink so much of it...including with Shakeology.  But hopefully, it'll help relieve my liver which I nuked since Jan-May eating at mexican restaurants which I seriously think were putting MSG in the food.   Also am not going to donate plasma for the entire summer.  It just sucks too much energy out of me for me to be able to work out and with the phat overtime I'm getting anyways, I really don't need the money right now.

Ok, time to hit the weights again....RHOX!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Corporation

One of the best documentaries I've seen about the downfall of freedom in the United States was "The Corporation".   What I liked about it was how it showed that if a corporation was truly an actual 'person' as is deemed by English Admiralty Law, then it would be a complete and utter psychopath.  The only goal of corporations is to make as great of a profit as possible without any regard to whom it harms, or the moral cost associated with it.

Regardless, the idea that corporations are 'people' is a complete and total lie.  Corporations contain people, just as a nation or a city does, but that doesn't make a corporation a 'person' in and of itself.  As one person commented on Mitt Romney's propagandizing, "Corporations are not people.  Corporations are property.  Slavery was the legal fiction that a person is property.  Corporate 'personhood' is the legal fiction that property is a person."

I find this to be true.  Corporations are businesses created to make a profit for those who have invested in them. From my perspective, they are businesses designed to make money for greedy criminals who don't want to be held accountable for their actions.  It is these people who enslave others around the world while promoting and instituting corporate fascism have no conscious when it comes to stepping all over the God given rights of others in order to fulfill their 'duty' of making money.

The acceptance of the subversive Admiralty Law that deems individuals themselves as 'corporations' in order to hold them accountable to corporate law coupled with the complacency to hold corporations themselves accountable, has led to the downfall of the freedom of the people United States originally had.  Then again, I'm not so sure that we've ever been truly 'free' from English tyranny as everything seems to point towards them...and the corrupt Illuminati Free Mason Order.  Every year we seem to become more and more like China...

Finally, I believe the spiritual connection is that this idea of a corporation being a 'person' is a counterfeit of The Church (not to be confused with religious church institutions or self-anointed congregations), which is actually the body of Jesus Christ. Isn't it fitting that the Latin word for body, 'corpus', is where the term 'corporation' is derived  from?  However, in The Church individuals are still held accountable for their actions by government and society.  The individuals of corporations, however, seem to mostly get away with terrible treachery against its own employees, customers, and civilians under its influence.  The government has even been influenced to the degree that it now allows corporate abuse to take place without much repercussion at all...especially if a monetary value can be placed on the wrong doing.

In order to change this madness, the money system needs to changed, the system of law needs to be changed exclusively to Common Law as opposed to Admiralty Law, the statutes that protect corporations from wrongdoing must be dismantled, and those selected for government service need to enforce the law as well as be held accountable themselves by the people in order to protect the society rather than prey on it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Different Worlds

It is quite amazing about how many different worlds there are.  And when I use the term 'worlds', I don't mean planets in the universe.   What I mean by worlds, is the societies of men.  I want to journal this thought...because I have found a different world to which I belong.   It is the Kingdom of Heaven;  the very body of Jesus Christ; the Church.

One should not, however, confuse this with church institutions which are many and wide here in the Bible belt state of Texas.  Many of such institutions are simply country clubs, personal ministry ventures, and at worst, cults under the guise of Christianity.  The term Churchianity should be more fitting for these types of institutions.

Outside of this however, are pervasive American cultures that I find are growing more and more evil every day.  For instance, the corporate/professional culture of the dollar.  This is where plenty of people clone themselves into the socially accepted world of high living, expensive recreation, and predatory dealings at the expense of others.  This world values 'classiness', arrogance, knowledge as long as it contributes to profit or controls others, finger pointing, brown nosing, and back-patting.  It despises sharing, compassion, superior effort and talent, differences, incompetence, and the upsetting of order.  As the late Heath Ledger said as the Joker, "Introduce a little anarchy..."

There is also the 'Hollywood Culture' of pleasure and entertainment.  This is where plenty of people clone themselves into the socially accepted world of stardom, self-exploitation, extravagance, and the unclean behaviors of drunkeness, lust, and perversion.  This world values fame, 'classiness', arrogance, folly, ignorance, and the extreme.  It despises purity, individual reality, 'blandness', everyday living, humility, and humbleness. "Maury!  Maury! Maury!  Maury!..."

The last world I'll speak of for now is that of Churchianity.  This world reeks of people who clone themselves to be part of a 'Christian' ministry where they do nothing except feel entertained, motivated, self-helped, and self-justified.  They value lies, conformity, submission, hypocrisy, the appearance of purity, piety, religious order, nostalgia, dominionism, sensationalism, and 'classiness'.  They hate admonishment, warnings, truth, service to the less fortunate, sharing with anyone who they feel doesn't deserve it, 'negativity', and righteousness.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Unadulterated Truth

I  had purchased one of those cheap coffee table books at Barnes and Nobles called "This is Not a Book".  Obviously, it was a book...but author Dr. Michael Picard didn't want it to be a book apparently...I have no idea why unless he thinks it is some kind of clever philosophical trick...but regardless, it had some intriguing ideas and thoughts.

The first section of the book, which is the only part I happened to read, deals with the philosophical Etymology.  He therefore defines what knowledge is as the basis for the purpose of the book.  I found many of his definitions to be lacking and misguided...or, 'adulterated' if you I wrote down a few of them in order to see if I could come up with some conceptual system using English language (which is obviously an important factor) to make a sort of mathematical 'proof' of Unadulterated Truth.

To begin, I think one has to start with the definition of 'truth'.   If you can't sufficiently define 'truth' then there is no point in continuing since that is exactly what this study seeks to find.  Even a historically prominent man of Pontius Pilate...had no idea what 'truth' was, nor seemed to be concerned with it when speaking by the very person who is the manifestation of truth, Jesus Christ.  Obviously, my perspective of truth is a Biblical one but that is because that is the only thing I have found in my existence to be completely and infallibly true.  But, enough with the introduction, lets get to the definition of truth:


a archaic : fidelityconstancyb : sincerity in action, character, and utterance
(1) : the state of being the case : fact (2) : the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual realityb : a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true <truths of thermodynamics>c : the body of true statements and propositions
a : the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or realityb chiefly British : true 2c : fidelity to an original or to a standard
capitalized Christian Science : god
— in truth
: in accordance with fact : actually

I find Merriam Websters definitions, not unlike the English language, somewhat lacking and vague.  It does not surprise me since English itself is a language of swindlers and constructed to be as inoffensive as possible for the sake of influencing those that the nobility desired to conquer.  However, 2a2, 2b, and 3a would be the closest things dealing with the concept of truth for this study.

Here are my definitions of truth in contrast:

1.  A reality that can be tested and justified.
2.  The person of Jesus Christ:  John 14:6 ..."I am the way the truth and the life;" (NASB)

Lets deal with definition 1 for now since it must be explained for the sake of the proof. 
A reality is something that actually exists.  We do also need the definition of 'existence' for that so:

1.  The state of being.

The state of being can be thought of as something that meets the condition of being detectable, tangible, or accessible to human senses. A few examples of this would be like how a scent is something that is accessible to our sense of smell, a thought is something that is tangible to our mind/soul, and colors are something that our sight can detect (even though there are also very many that we can't detect without instruments).

To continue with the rest of the definition of 'truth', something tested can be measured and graded, while something justified can be accepted as proof that it is correct.  So truth, in essence, would be a reality that can be tested (measured/graded) and justified (proven).

Now, we need a few things to measure and grade the reality of truth as well as to prove it.  Thus, we need to define several other terms that deal with 'truth'.  In this journey I may be prone to edit, add, and possibly subtract from this list as I personally grow from this study.  Again, while I claim to be a philosopher I am not going to make the mistake that I know or understand everything that exists.  However, I can assuredly say that I know one who does. He is omniscient and it is my prayer that he assist me in this venture.  
So, without further ado, let us continue with the terms that deal with 'truth':

The bias or knowledge that something is true or truth.  (Whether it is or is not, is irrelevant.)

A feeling, sensation, or general uncertainty that something isn't true. A relative measure of disbelief.

A testable, absolute statement claiming to be truth.

A biased statement of belief relative to an individual's knowledge.

The conscious observation of, or, the conscious relation to, something's existence.

The belief that something is true yet without adequate knowledge or confidence to confirm it as true.

The reality, belief, or awareness of things known and understood by an individual.

The lack of knowledge and/or wisdom.

The relative belief that one has awareness far beyond ignorance.

The deliberate acceptance of ignorance.

True reality as it relates to God (typically, truth that man discovers which leads to goodness, godliness, and/or joy, or, the avoiding of evil).

Something that which is approved of by God, society, or man (however, true 'good' must be ultimately approved by God since it is derived from the word 'God' and would thus need to truly be 'of' or 'from' God for it to be good.).

1.  Something that is disapproved of by God.  
2.  The perversion or 'backwards living' of men or society.
3.  An amoral perspective towards life.

Something that is considered complete, perfect, pure, outright, whole, unrestricted, unlimited, all encompassing, and/or independent as far as value goes in conjunction with truth.

Something that is dependent on an individual's, or group of individual's perspective.

1.  Something claiming to be true, or thought of as true/truth, when in reality it is not.
2.  An act or statement of deception.
3.  A counterfeit of a reality. be continued....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Past, The Present, The Future

The concept of time, is, believe it or not, only a temporary phenomenon for the world of men.  If you take the 'tree falling in the woods' riddle...about whether it makes a sound or not since there is no one there to hear it, you will be able to see the parallel between these two perspectives.

So let's start with the tree falling in the woods perspective:  If a tree falls in the woods and there is nothing around to hear it...does it make a sound?  Now, technically and scientifically, yes, it would make a sound even if it is a very very soft inaudible one because sound is generated by the vibrations caused by the moving of air.  When the tree falls, it moves the air around it and most likely, moves many other things along with it causing noise.   Whether there is someone there or not is irrelevant.  The tree will still make a sound.

So now lets take the concept of time:   If death ceases to exist, would there be time?  Again, we can say, technically, 'yes'....but what if death and humans ceased to exist?  What if the world as we know it ceases to exist?

We keep time because we only have a set amount of time.  Believers of the Bible keep time because God has measured certain things for certain it's not just a human concept in this perspective but a divine one as well.  But consider that God is eternal and he has eternity planned for every person in this world.  What will be your eternity?

With eternity, which is also a divine concept, there is no need for time.  What is the use of time when you know you will not die? Why rush to make a little more money or, to save money, or, to be with someone when you have eternal life?  It is a ludicrous concept for us as men to be impatient, but we are.  We know, that in this world as we know it, there is only a short time for us to live out our purposes...or lives...or deaths, even:  "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die!" - Isaiah 22:13.

While the Isaiah scripture is obviously taken out of context, Solomon did write concerning the 'chasing of the wind' that it is good and fitting to ", drink, and enjoy oneself in all one's labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward."  Solomon says this four times in the book of Ecclesiastes and he was considered the wisest man the world has ever known.  The key scripture though is that this is a gift from God and we should be thankful for opposed to trying to progress to new levels of 'progress' where we try to exert endless energy and time for what amounts to 'dust in the wind'.

So what is my point?  My point is that the past, the present, and the future all hinge on one thing, and that is the time in this state of the universe, that God allows you to have.  Shouldn't we spend it as Solomon said to spend it...which actually glorifies God...or should we spend it stressing out trying to get that next 'thing'?

I find it way too easy for people in this world to become enslaved by 'its' idea of success while we weren't even created for such things.  It's as if we are rushing to try and beat out death:  "Look! See...I did it!  I created my legacy!  Now, I am finally ready to die..." NO ONE says this and means it because we are creatures of 'want'.  We will leave behind things that have our heart, whether it is missing someone, or because there is more for us to if we can do everything.  Yet, we are tricked...or, trick ourselves even, into thinking this. And after we stress for that paycheck, we go and waste countless hours with things like TV and other forms of entertainment; especially here in the U.S.A.  While there is nothing wrong in enjoying some of that, as they are, in fact, the fruit of one's labors, I find that too many people let such things control their lives and when that happens, they can't truly enjoy the fruit of our labors and the gift that God has given to us.